Second Schedule Rights of Employee During Period of Notice
1. Subject to the provisions of this Schedule, an employee shall, during the period of notice, be paid by his employer in accordance with the terms of his contract of employment and shall have the same rights to sick pay or holidays with pay as he would have if notice of termination of his contract of employment had not been given.
Employments for which there are normal working hours
(i) An employee shall be paid by his employer in respect of any time during his normal working hours when he is ready and willing to work but no work is provided for him by his employer.
(ii) In this subparagraph "normal working hours" in the case of an employee who is normally expected to work overtime, include the hours during which such overtime is usually worked.
(b) In any case where an employee's pay is not wholly calculated by reference to time, the pay which his employer is bound to pay him under subparagraph (a) shall be calculated by reference to the average rate of pay earned by the employee in respect of any time worked during the thirteen weeks next preceding the giving of notice.
Employments for which there are no normal working hours