Version status: | Document consolidation status: Updated to reflect all known changes
Version date: 11 July 2013 - onwards
Acts Referred to
Asset Covered Securities Act 2001, No. 47
Bankers' Books Evidence Act 1879, 42 & 43. Vict., c. 11
Building Societies Act 1989, No. 17
Central Bank Acts 1942 to 2012
Central Bank and Credit Institutions (Resolutions) Act 2011, No. 27
Central Bank Reform Act 2010, No. 23
Companies (Amendment) Act 1990, No. 27
Consumer Credit Act 1995, No. 24
Consumer Protection Act 2007, No. 19
Credit Institutions (Financial Support) Act 2008, No. 18
Credit Institutions (Stabilisation) Act 2010, No. 36
Credit Union and Co -operation with Overseas Regulators Act 2012, No. 40