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Version status: Partly in force | Document consolidation status: Updated to reflect all known changes
Published date: 28 February 2009

Charities Act 2009 (No. 6)

Comparing proposed amendment...
Introductory Text
Acts Referred to
Part 1 Preliminary and General (ss. 1-11)
In force
1. Short title and commencement.
In force
2. Interpretation.
In force
3. Charitable purpose.
In force
4. Orders and regulations.
In force
5. Expenses.
In force
6. Review of operation of Act.
In force
7. Exemption from liability to pay tax.
In force
8. Act not to apply to certain trusts.
In force
9. Service of documents.
In force
10. Offences.
In force
11. Repeals.
Part 2 Charities Regulatory Authority (ss. 12-38)
In force
12. Establishment Day.
In force
13. Establishment of Charities Regulatory Authority.
In force
14. Functions of Authority.
In force
15. Directions of Minister.
In force
16. Grants to Authority.
In force
17. Borrowings by Authority.
In force
18. Recovery of expenses of Authority.
In force
19. Chief executive.
In force
20. Functions of chief executive.
In force
21. Delegation of functions of chief executive.
In force
22. Accountability of chief executive to Public Accounts Committee.
In force
23. Accountability of chief executive to other Oireachtas Committees.
In force
24. Staff.
In force
25. Transfer of staff to Authority.
In force
26. Superannuation.
In force
27. Disclosure of information relating to offences under Act.
In force
28. Disclosure of information by Authority where it suspects commission of offence.
In force
29. Strategy statement.
In force
30. Accounts of Authority.
In force
31. Annual report.
In force
32. Provision of information to relevant persons.
In force
33. Administrative cooperation on regulatory matters.
In force
34. Administrative cooperation with foreign statutory bodies on law enforcement matters.
In force
35. Consultation with stakeholders.
In force
36. Consultative panels.
In force
37. Directions from Minister concerning consultative panels.
In force
38. Transfer of functions of Attorney General to Authority.
Part 3 Regulation of Charitable Organisations (ss. 39-63)
In force
39. Register of charitable organisations.
In force
40. Certain charitable organisations deemed to be registered for purposes of Act.
In force
41. Offence for unregistered charitable organisation to carry on activities in State.
In force
42. Name of charitable organisation.
Not yet in force
42A. Change of charitable purpose and amendment of constitution.
In force
43. Removal of charitable organisation from register.
In force
44. Determination that charitable organisation to which section 40 applies no longer deemed to be registered.
Not yet in force
44A. Removal notice.
In force
45. Appeal to Tribunal against decision of Authority.
Not yet in force
45A. High Court confirmation of removal.
In force
46. References to charitable status.
In force
47. Duty to keep proper books of account.
In force
48. Annual statement of accounts.
In force
49. Annual returns under Companies Acts.
In force
50. Annual audit or examination of accounts.
In force
51. Regulations in relation to audits, etc.
In force
52. Annual reports.
In force
53. Requirement to provide information.
In force
54. Public inspection of annual reports, etc.
Not yet in force
54A. Charity trustees.
Not yet in force
54B. Principal duties of charity trustees.
Not yet in force
54C. Guidelines and codes of conduct.
Not yet in force
54D. Register of members.
In force
55. Persons disqualified for being trustees of a charitable organisation.
In force
56. Person acting as charity trustee while disqualified.
In force
57. Acting under directions of person not qualified to be charity trustee.
In force
58. Consequences of acting under direction of person not qualified to be charity trustee.
In force
59. Obligation to disclose commission of offence to Authority.
In force
60. Defence to defamation proceedings in respect of publication by Authority of certain reports.
In force
61. Protection from civil liability of persons who report breaches of Act, etc., to Authority.
In force
62. Protection of employees from penalisation for reporting breaches of Act, etc.
In force
63. False statements.
Part 4 Protection of Charitable Organisations (ss. 64-74)
In force
64. Investigation of affairs of charitable organisation.
In force
65. Production of documents and evidence on investigation.
In force
66. Inspector's reports.
Not yet in force
66A. Direction arising from inspector's report.
In force
67. Expenses of investigation of affairs of charitable organisation.
In force
68. Power of Authority to require production of documents.
Not yet in force
68A. Appointment of authorised officer.
Not yet in force
68B. Powers of authorised officer.
In force
69. Entry and search of premises.
In force
70. Provision for security of information.
In force
71. Inspector's reports to be evidence.
In force
72. Saving for privileged information.
In force
73. Intermediate sanctions.
In force
74. Protection of charitable organisations.
Part 5 Charity Appeals Tribunal (ss. 75-80)
In force
75. Charity Appeals Tribunal.
In force
76. Secretariat and premises of Tribunal.
In force
77. Determination of appeals by Tribunal.
In force
78. Proceedings to be in public.
In force
79. Power of Tribunal to make procedural rules.
In force
80. Appeal from the Tribunal.
Part 6 Dissolution of Commissioners of Charitable Donations and Bequests for Ireland (ss. 81-88)
In force
81. Dissolution of Commissioners of Charitable Donations and Bequests for Ireland.
In force
82. Transfer of functions to Authority.
In force
83. Transfer of land and other property.
In force
84. Transfer of rights and liabilities, and continuation of leases, licences and permissions granted by dissolved body.
In force
85. Liability for loss occurring before establishment day.
In force
86. Provisions consequent upon transfer of functions, assets and liabilities to Authority.
In force
87. Final accounts and final annual report of dissolved body.
In force
88. Saver in respect of certain schemes.
Part 6A Agreements and Appointments (ss. 88A-88C)
Not yet in force
88A. Definitions - Part 6A.
Not yet in force
88B. Remuneration.
Not yet in force
88C. Agreements and appointments.
Part 7 Miscellaneous (ss. 89-99)
Not yet in force
89. Permission to enter into certain agreements with charity trustees or connected persons.
In force
90. Power of court to grant relief from liability for breach of trust.
Not yet in force
90A. Exclusion of liability for certain charity trustees.
In force
91. Indemnity insurance in respect of charity trustee.
In force
92. Dissolution of charitable organisation.
Not yet in force
93. Provision for non-cash collections and related matters under Act of 1962.
Not yet in force
94. Duties of collectors.
Not yet in force
95. Seizure of non-cash collection documentation, etc.
Not yet in force
96. Offences under Act of 1962.
Not yet in force
97. Power to make regulations in relation to charitable fund-raising.
Not yet in force
98. Amendment of Central Bank Act 1997.
In force
99. Sale of Mass cards.
In force
Schedule 1 Charities Regulatory Authority
In force
Schedule 2 Repeals