Article 84 Criteria for assessing prudential regulation and supervision applicable to a depositary in a third country
(Article 21(6)(b) of Directive 2011/61/EU)
For the purposes of point (b) of Article 21(6) of Directive 2011/61/EU, the effectiveness of prudential regulation and supervision applicable to a depositary in a third country whether it has the same effect as that provided for under Union law and its effective enforcement shall be assessed against the following criteria:
(a) the depositary is subject to authorisation and ongoing supervision by a public competent authority with adequate resources to fulfil its tasks;
(b) the law of the third country lay down criteria for authorisation as a depositary that have the same effect as those laid down for access to the business of credit institutions or investment firms within the Union;
(c) the capital requirements imposed on the depositary in the third country have the same effect as those applicable in the Union depending on whether the depositary is of the same nature as an Union credit institution or investment firm;
(d) the operating conditions applicable to a depositary in the third country have the same effect as those laid down for credit institutions or investment firms within the Union depending on the nature of the depositary;