7. Exemption in respect of certain expenses of State Examinations Commission examiners
The Principal Act is amended by inserting the following section after section 195B:
"195C. Exemption in respect of certain expenses of State Examinations Commission examiners
(1) In this section -
'civil servant' has the meaning assigned to it by the Civil Service Regulation Act 1956;
'employee' has the same meaning as in section 983;
'examination purposes' means:
(a) the development of examination papers or other examination materials;
(b) the marking of such papers or other such materials; or
(c) the carrying out of invigilator duties at an examination;
'examination' means any examination standing specified for the time being in Schedule 2 to the Education Act 1998;
'examination paper' includes any paper, plan, map, drawing, diagram, pictorial or graphic work or other document and any photograph, film or recording (whether of sound or images or both) -
(a) in which questions are set for answer by candidates as part of an examination or which are related to such questions, or
(b) in which projects or practical exercises are set which candidates are required to complete as part of an examination or which are related to such projects or exercises;
'examiner' means, other than a person employed as an Examinations and Assessment Manager, a person who is an employee of the relevant employer for examination purposes;