Table of Contents
Capital Requirements (Capital Buffers and Macro-prudential Measures) Regulations 2014 [SI 2014 No. 894] (Capital Buffers Regulations (CBR))Introductory TextPart 1 Introductory provisions (regs. 1-4)Regulation 1 Citation, commencement and cessationRegulation 2 InterpretationRegulation 3 Conferral of functions or discretion on the FPCRegulation 4 Appeals: application of Part 9 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000Part 2 Capital conservation buffer (regs. 5-6)Regulation 5 Transitional provisions: 1st January 2016 to 31st December 2018Regulation 6 Exemption for small and medium-sized investment firmsPart 3 Countercyclical Capital Buffer (regs. 7-20)Chapter 1 Overview and interpretation (regs. 7-8)Regulation 7 OverviewRegulation 8 Meaning of "UK institution"Chapter 2 Exposures located in the United Kingdom (regs. 9-12)Regulation 9 The buffer guideRegulation 10 Countercyclical buffer rateRegulation 11 Date from which changes to the buffer rate applyRegulation 12 Announcement of changes to the buffer rateRegulation 12A Buffer rate rulesChapter 3 Exposures located outside the United Kingdom (regs. 13-18)Regulation 13 Buffer rates for EEA exposures: before 1st January 2016Regulation 14 Buffer rates for EEA exposures: savings provisionRegulation 15 Buffer rates for exposures outside the UKRegulation 16 Buffer rates: integer multiples of 0.25%Regulation 17 Date of application of buffer ratesRegulation 18 Announcement of changes to buffer ratesChapter 4 Institution-specific countercyclical capital buffers (regs. 19-20)Chapter 4 Institution-specific countercyclical capital buffers (regs. 19-20)Regulation 19 Calculation of buffer before 1st January 2016Regulation 19A Application of the institution-specific countercyclical capital buffer to holding companiesRegulation 20 Exemption for small and medium-sized investment firmsPart 4 G-SII Buffer (regs. 21-28)Regulation 21 Duty of PRA to identify G-SIIsRegulation 22 G-SIIs: location and natureRegulation 23 Identification methodologyRegulation 24 Sub-categories of G-SII and corresponding buffer ratesRegulation 25 Re-allocation in exercise of sound supervisory judgementRegulation 26 Notification, publication and reviewRegulation 27 AppealsRegulation 28 Transitional provision: 1st January 2016 to 31st December 2019Part 5 O-SIIs (regs. 29-34)Regulation 29 Duty of PRA to identify O-SIIsRegulation 30 O-SIIs: location and natureRegulation 31 Identification of O-SIIsRegulation 32 Publication and reviewRegulation 33 AppealsPart 5ZA O-SII Buffers (regs. 34-34ZH)Chapter 1 Interpretation and power to impose O-SII buffer (regs. 34-34ZA)Regulation 34 InterpretationRegulation 34ZA Power for the PRA to require an O-SII buffer to be maintainedChapter 2 United Kingdom buffer rates for O-SIIs (regs. 34ZB-34ZC)Regulation 34ZB O-SII buffer rates: The FPC frameworkRegulation 34ZC Determination by PRA of buffer rates for individual relevant O-SIIsChapter 3 Date of application and calculation of O-SII buffer (regs. 34ZD-34ZE)Regulation 34ZD Date of applicationRegulation 34ZE Calculation of bufferChapter 4 Publication, Review and Appeals (regs. 34ZF-34ZH)Regulation 34ZF Publication: United Kingdom buffer ratesRegulation 34ZG ReviewRegulation 34ZH AppealsPart 5A Systemic Risk Buffer (regs. 34A-34L)Regulation 34A InterpretationRegulation 34B Third country buffer rates: recognitionRegulation 34C Requirement to maintain a systemic risk bufferRegulation 34D Third country rates: application to relevant entitiesRegulation 34E Calculation of the systemic risk bufferRegulation 34F Cumulative buffersRegulation 34G Systemic risk buffer exposuresRegulation 34H NotificationsRegulation 34I Publication: systemic risk bufferRegulation 34J Publication: third country buffer ratesRegulation 34K ReviewRegulation 34L AppealsRegulation 34M Calculation: Class B institutionsRegulation 34N Calculation: Class C, Class D and Class E institutionsRegulation 34O Notification: recognition of third country buffer rateRegulation 34P Publication: FPC frameworkPart 6 Combined buffer requirement (reg. 35)Regulation 35 Combined buffer requirementPart 7 Macro-prudential measures: procedure (reg. 36)Regulation 36 Amendments to the Bank of England Act 1998SignatureExplanatory NoteExplanatory Memorandum
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Version status: In force | Document consolidation status: Updated to reflect all known changes
Published date: 1 April 2014
Capital Requirements (Capital Buffers and Macro-prudential Measures) Regulations 2014 [SI 2014 No. 894] (Capital Buffers Regulations (CBR))
To be revoked by s. 1 and Sch. 1 Pt 2 to the Financial Services and Markets Act 2023 (c. 29) (FSMA 2023), Sch. 1 Pt 2 not yet fully commenced.