Article 31 Outsourcing
1. Member States may permit or require IORPs registered or authorised in their territories to entrust any activities including key functions and the management of those IORPs, in whole or in part, to service providers operating on behalf of those IORPs.
2. Member States shall ensure that IORPs remain fully responsible for compliance with their obligations under this Directive when they outsource key functions or any other activities.
3. Outsourcing of key functions or any other activities shall not be undertaken in such a way as to lead to any of the following:
(a) impairing the quality of the system of governance of the IORP concerned;
(b) unduly increasing the operational risk;
(c) impairing the ability of the competent authorities to monitor the compliance of the IORP with its obligations;
(d) undermining continuous and satisfactory service to members and beneficiaries.