Article 37 General information on the pension scheme
1. Member States shall, in respect of every IORP registered or authorised in their territories, ensure that members and beneficiaries are sufficiently informed about the respective pension scheme operated by the IORP, in particular concerning:
(a) the name of the IORP, the Member State in which the IORP is registered or authorised and the name of its competent authority;
(b) the rights and obligations of the parties involved in the pension scheme;
(c) information on the investment profile;
(d) the nature of financial risks borne by the members and beneficiaries;
(e) the conditions regarding full or partial guarantees under the pension scheme or of a given level of benefits or, where no guarantee is provided under the pension scheme, a statement to that effect;
(f) the mechanisms protecting accrued entitlements or the benefit reduction mechanisms, if any;