Regulation 3 Information to be disclosed: agreements other than telephone contracts, non-telephone distance contracts, excluded pawn agreements and overdraft agreements
(1) This regulation applies to an agreement other than -
(a) an agreement made by voice telephone communication where it is a distance contract and the debtor consents to the disclosure of the information referred to in regulation 4(2);
(aa) an agreement made by voice telephone communication where it is not a distance contract (see regulation 4(3));
(b) an agreement made using a means of distance communication other than a voice telephone communication, which does not enable the provision of the pre-contract credit information before the agreement is made (see regulation 5);
(c) an excluded pawn agreement;
(d) an authorised non-business overdraft agreement (see regulations 10 and 11).
(2) In good time before the agreement is made, the creditor must disclose to the debtor, in the manner set out in regulation 8, the pre-contract credit information.