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16. Amendment of Part 16 (income tax relief for investment in corporate trades - business expansion scheme and seed capital scheme) of Principal Act.
Part 16 of the Principal Act is hereby amended -
(a) in section 488, by the substitution, as on and from the 6th day of April, 1997, in the definition of "unquoted company" in subsection (1), of the following paragraph for paragraph (b):
"(b) quoted on an unlisted securities market of a stock exchange other than -
(i) on the market known, and referred to in this definition, as the Developing Companies Market of the Irish Stock Exchange, or
(ii) on the Developing Companies Market of the Irish Stock Exchange and on any similar or corresponding market of the stock exchange of one or more Member States of the European Communities; but this subparagraph shall not apply unless the shares, stocks or debentures are quoted on the Developing Companies Market of the Irish Stock Exchange before or at the same time as they are firstly quoted on an unlisted securities market of a stock exchange of another Member State of the European Communities.",
(b) in section 489, by the substitution in subsection (15), of "5th day of April, 2001" for "5th day of April, 1999", and
(c) in section 490, by the substitution in subsections (3)(b) and (4)(b) of "the year 2000-01" for "the year 1998-99".