Significant judgements and assumptions (paras. 7-9B)
7 An entity shall disclose information about significant judgements and assumptions it has made (and changes to those judgements and assumptions) in determining:
(a) that it has control of another entity, ie an investee as described in paragraphs 5 and 6 of IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements;
(b) that it has joint control of an arrangement or significant influence over another entity; and
(c) the type of joint arrangement (ie joint operation or joint venture) when the arrangement has been structured through a separate vehicle.
8 The significant judgements and assumptions disclosed in accordance with paragraph 7 include those made by the entity when changes in facts and circumstances are such that the conclusion about whether it has control, joint control or significant influence changes during the reporting period.
9 To comply with paragraph 7, an entity shall disclose, for example, significant judgements and assumptions made in determining that:
(a) it does not control another entity even though it holds more than half of the voting rights of the other entity.