Commitments (paras. BC53-BC56)
BC53 ED 9 proposed that an entity should disclose any capital commitments that it has relating to its interests in joint arrangements. IAS 31 had similar requirements.
BC54 When discussing responses to ED 9, the Board examined two aspects of the proposals. The first was whether an entity should separately disclose commitments relating to all types of joint arrangements. The second was the need to maintain the adjective 'capital' when referring to commitments.
BC55 In response to concerns raised by respondents to ED 9, the Board reconsidered the proposals to disclose commitments for all types of joint arrangements. Respondents said that disclosure of commitments relating to joint operations would be of limited value because such commitments would be included within the disclosures of the entity itself. The Board was convinced by those reasons and decided not to require separate disclosure of commitments relating to an entity's interests in joint operations.
BC56 Regarding the nature of the commitments to be disclosed, the Board noted that 'capital commitment' is not a defined term in IFRSs. Consequently, 'capital' could potentially be interpreted to restrict the disclosures only to those commitments that would result in the capitalisation of assets. Instead, the Board concluded that the objective of the disclosure requirement was to provide information about all unrecognised commitments that could result in future operating, investing or financing cash outflows, or in any other type of outflow of resources from the entity in relation to its interests in joint ventures. Consequently, the Board decided to remove 'capital' from the requirement to disclose commitments.