Interests in unconsolidated structured entities (paras. 24-31)
24 An entity shall disclose information that enables users of its financial statements:
(a) to understand the nature and extent of its interests in unconsolidated structured entities (paragraphs 26–28); and
(b) to evaluate the nature of, and changes in, the risks associated with its interests in unconsolidated structured entities (paragraphs 29–31).
25 The information required by paragraph 24(b) includes information about an entity's exposure to risk from involvement that it had with unconsolidated structured entities in previous periods (eg sponsoring the structured entity), even if the entity no longer has any contractual involvement with the structured entity at the reporting date.
25A An investment entity need not provide the disclosures required by paragraph 24 for an unconsolidated structured entity that it controls and for which it presents the disclosures required by paragraphs 19A–19G.
Nature of interests