1. All ABCP transactions within an ABCP programme shall fulfil the requirements of Article 24(1) to (8) and (12) to (20).
A maximum of 5 % of the aggregate amount of the exposures underlying the ABCP transactions and which are funded by the ABCP programme may temporarily be non-compliant with the requirements of Article 24(9), (10) and (11) without affecting the STS status of the ABCP programme.
For the purpose of the second subparagraph of this paragraph, a sample of the underlying exposures shall regularly be subject to external verification of compliance by an appropriate and independent party.
2. The remaining weighted average life of the underlying exposures of an ABCP programme shall not be more than two years.
3. The ABCP programme shall be fully supported by a sponsor in accordance with Article 25(2).
4. The ABCP programme shall not contain any resecuritisation and the credit enhancement shall not establish a second layer of tranching at the programme level.
5. The securities i