Article 43a Transitional provisions for STS on-balance-sheet securitisations
1. In respect of synthetic securitisations for which the credit protection agreement has become effective before 9 April 2021, originators and SSPEs may use the designation "STS" or "simple, transparent and standardised", or a designation that refers directly or indirectly to those terms, only where the requirements set out in Article 18 and the conditions set out in paragraph 3 of this Article are complied with at the time of the notification referred to in Article 27(1).
2. Until the date of application of the regulatory technical standards referred to in Article 27(6), originators shall, for the purposes of the obligation set out in Article 27(1), make the necessary information available to ESMA in writing.
3. Securitisations the initial securitisation positions of which were created before 9 April 2021 shall be considered to be STS provided that: