Table of Contents
IAS 16: Property, Plant and EquipmentObjective (para. 1)Scope (paras. 2-5)Definitions (para. 6)Recognition (paras. 7-14)Measurement at recognition (paras. 15-28)Measurement after recognition (paras. 29-66)Derecognition (paras. 67-72)Disclosure (paras. 73-79)Transitional provisions (paras. 80-80D)Effective date (paras. 81-81O)Withdrawal of other pronouncements (paras. 82-83)Appendix Amendments to other pronouncementsApproval by the Board of IAS 16 issued in December 2003Approval by the Board of Clarification of Acceptable Methods of Depreciation and Amortisation (Amendments to IAS 16 and IAS 38) issued in May 2014Approval by the Board of Agriculture: Bearer Plants (Amendments to IAS 16 and IAS 41) issued in June 2014Approval by the Board of Property, Plant and Equipment - Proceeds before Intended Use issued in May 2020IAS 16: Basis for ConclusionsIntroduction (paras. BC1-BC3)Scope (para. BC4)Recognition (paras. BC5-BC12A)BC5-BC12Classification of servicing equipment (para. BC12A)Measurement at recognition (paras. BC13-BC24)Asset dismantlement, removal and restoration costs (paras. BC13-BC16)Property, Plant and Equipment - Proceeds before Intended Use (2020 amendments) (paras. BC16A-BC16R)Asset exchange transactions (paras. BC17-BC24)Measurement after recognition (paras. BC25-BC33H)Revaluation model (para. BC25)Revaluation method–proportionate restatement of accumulated depreciation when an item of property, plant and equipment is revalued (paras. BC25A-BC25J)Depreciation: unit of measure (paras. BC26-BC27)Depreciation: depreciable amount (paras. BC28-BC29)Depreciation: depreciation period (paras. BC30-BC32)Depreciation: depreciation method (paras. BC33-BC33H)Derecognition (para. BC34)Derecognition date (para. BC34)Gain classification (para. BC35)Assets held for rental to others (paras. BC35A-BC35F)Transitional provisions (paras. BC36-BC36D)Summary of changes from the Exposure Draft (para. BC37)Accounting for bearer plants (2014 amendments) (paras. BC38-BC45)Overview (para. BC38)Background (paras. BC39-BC45)Changes to the proposals in the ED (paras. BC46-BC47)Scope of the amendments (paras. BC48-BC62)Basis for accounting for bearer plants in IAS 16 (paras. BC63-BC68)BC63Support for the use of IAS 16 (paras. BC64-BC67)Cost-benefit considerations (para. BC68)Biological transformation (paras. BC69-BC79)BC69Accounting for bearer plants before they mature (paras. BC70-BC72)Accounting for produce growing on a bearer plant (paras. BC73-BC79)Application of the IAS 16 requirements to bearer plants (paras. BC80-BC94)Unit of measure (paras. BC80-BC81)Point of maturity (para. BC82)Other recognition and measurement requirements of the cost model (paras. BC83-BC85)Disclosure requirements of the cost model (paras. BC86-BC91)Revaluation model (paras. BC92-BC93)Positioning of requirements (para. BC94)Transition requirements (paras. BC95-BC98)Current IFRS preparers (paras. BC95-BC97)First-time adoption of IFRS (para. BC98)Analysis of the likely effects of the amendments (paras. BC99-BC117)BC99-BC105How the amendments are likely to affect how activities are reported (paras. BC106-BC107)How the amendments affect the comparability of financial statements (paras. BC108-BC110)How the amendments will improve a user’s ability to assess future cash flows (paras. BC111-BC113)How the amendments will affect economic decision-making and the costs of analysis for users of financial statements (paras. BC114-BC115)Effect on the compliance costs for preparers (paras. BC116-BC117)Dissenting opinionsDissent of Mary Tokar from Clarification of Acceptable Methods of Depreciation and Amortisation (Amendments to IAS 16 and IAS 38) as issued in May 2014Dissent of Patrick Finnegan and Patricia McConnell from Agriculture: Bearer Plants (Amendments to IAS 16 and IAS 41) June 2014
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