Asset exchange transactions (paras. BC17-BC24)
BC17 Paragraph 22 of the previous version of IAS 16 indicated that if (a) an item of property, plant and equipment is acquired in exchange for a similar asset that has a similar use in the same line of business and has a similar fair value or (b) an item of property, plant and equipment is sold in exchange for an equity interest in a similar asset, then no gain or loss is recognised on the transaction. The cost of the new asset is the carrying amount of the asset given up (rather than the fair value of the purchase consideration given for the new asset).
BC18 This requirement in the previous version of IAS 16 was consistent with views that:
(a) gains should not be recognised on exchanges of assets unless the exchanges represent the culmination of an earning process;
(b) exchanges of assets of a similar nature and value are not a substantive event warranting the recognition of gains; and
(c) requiring or permitting the recognition of gains from such exchanges enables entities to ‘manufacture’ gains by attributing inflated values to the assets exchanged, if the assets do not have observable market prices in active markets.
BC19 The approach described above raised issues about how to identify whether assets exchanged are similar in nature and value. The Board reviewed this topic, and noted views that:
(a) under the Framework, the recognition of income from an exchange of assets does not depend on whether the assets exchanged are dissimilar;