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Version date: 26 February 2020 - onwards

How the amendments affect the comparability of financial statements (paras. BC108-BC110)

Comparability between entities

BC108 The Board does not expect the amendments to significantly reduce the comparability between entities because:

(a) IAS 41 requires biological assets to be accounted for using the fair value model. The Board does not expect the choice of accounting policy in IAS 16 to reduce comparability between entities with bearer plants because most entities are expected to choose the cost model for the reasons explained in paragraph BC103.

(b) The primary benefits of using fair value for biological assets are that fair value captures biological development (ie the growth of the produce) and is closely aligned with how the entity expects to convert the asset to cash (ie through sale). The Board has retained fair value for the produce of a bearer plant (for which these primary benefits are applicable) while aligning the accounting for the bearer plant with the accounting for property, plant and equipment. The Board considers that this change will improve comparability by distinguishing between types of biological asset.