III. Presentation of the disclosure requirements
Templates and tables
14. The disclosure requirements are presented either in the form of templates or of tables. Templates must be completed with quantitative data in accordance with the definitions provided. Tables generally relate to qualitative requirements, but quantitative information is also required in some instances. Banks may choose the format they prefer when presenting the information requested in tables.
15. In line with Principle 3 above, the information provided in the templates and tables should be meaningful to users. The disclosure requirements in this document that necessitate an assessment from banks are specifically identified [See scope of application field of CRD, CR4, CR5, CRE, CR9, CCR3, CCR4, MRB, MR1 and MR4.]. When preparing these individual tables and templates, banks will need to consider carefully how widely the disclosure requirement should apply. If a bank considers that the information requested in a template or table would not be meaningful to users, for example because the exposures and RWA amounts are deemed immaterial, it may choose not to disclose part or all of the information requested. In such circumstances, however, the bank will be required to explain in a narrative commentary why it considers such information not to be meaningful to users. It should describe the portfolios excluded from the disclosure requirement and the aggregate total RWAs those portfolios represent.
Templates with a fixed format
16. Where the format of a template is described as fixed, banks must complete the fields in accordance with the instructions given.