Schedule 5
N.B. - Where sinking fund or capital redemption business is carried on, a separate statement, signed by the actuary, must be furnished showing the total sums assured maturing in each calendar year and the corresponding office premiums.
(A.) - Form applicable to Life Assurance Business.
Statement of the Life Assurance and Annuity Business of the on the 19, to be signed by the Actuary.
(The answers should be numbered to accord with the numbers of the corresponding questions. Statements of re-assurances corresponding to the statements in respect of assurances are to be given throughout.) Separate statements are to be furnished in the replies to all the headings under this schedule for business at other than European rates. Separate statements are to be also furnished throughout in respect of ordinary and industrial business respectively.
1. The published table or tables of premiums for assurances for the whole term of life and for endowment assurances which are in use at the date above mentioned.
2. The total amount assured on lives for the whole term of life which are in existence at the date above mentioned, distinguishing the portions assured with immediate profits, with deferred profits, and without profits, stating separately the total reversionary bonuses and specifying the sums assured for each year of life from the youngest to the oldest ages, the basis of division as to immediate and deferred profits being stated.