Article 6 General provisions on the calculation of leverage
1. Leverage of an AIF shall be expressed as the ratio between the exposure of an AIF and its net asset value.
2. AIFMs shall calculate the exposure of the AIFs managed in accordance with the gross method as set out in Article 7 and the commitment method as set out in Article 8.
3. Exposure contained in any financial or legal structures involving third parties controlled by the relevant AIF shall be included in the calculation of the exposure where the structures referred to are specifically set up to directly or indirectly increase the exposure at the level of the AIF. For AIFs whose core investment policy is to acquire control of non-listed companies or issuers, the AIFM shall not include in the calculation of the leverage any exposure that exists at the level of those non-listed companies and issuers provided that the AIF or the AIFM acting on behalf of the AIF does not have to bear potential losses beyond its investment in the respective company or issuer.
4. AIFMs shall exclude borrowing arrangements entered into if these are temporary in nature and are fully covered by contractual capital commitments from investors in the AIF.
5. An AIFM shall have appropriately documented procedures to calculate the exposure of each AIF under its management in accordance with the gross method and the commitment method. The calculation shall be applied consistently over time.