Article 53 Qualitative requirements concerning AIFMs exposed to securitisations
1. Before becoming exposed to the credit risk of a securitisation on behalf of one or more AIFs, and as appropriate thereafter, AIFMs shall be able to demonstrate to the competent authorities for each of their individual securitisation positions that they have a comprehensive and thorough understanding of those positions and have implemented formal policies and procedures appropriate to the risk profile of the relevant AIF's investments in securitised positions for analysing and recording:
(a) information disclosed under Article 51, by originators or sponsors to specify the net economic interest that they maintain, on an ongoing basis, in the securitisation;
(b) the risk characteristics of the individual securitisation position;
(c) the risk characteristics of the exposures underlying the securitisation position;
(d) the reputation and loss experience in earlier securitisations of the originators or sponsors in the relevant exposure classes underlying the securitisation position;
(e) the statements and disclosures made by the originators or sponsors, or their agents or advisors, about their due diligence on the securitised exposures and, where applicable, on the quality of the collateral supporting the securitised exposures;