Article 25 Scope
1. This Section applies to the following contracts and transactions:
(a) derivative contracts listed in Annex II to Regulation (EU) No 575/2013, with the exception of the following:
(i) derivative contracts directly or indirectly cleared through a central counterparty (CCP) where all of the following conditions are met:
- the positions and assets of the investment firm related to those contracts are distinguished and segregated, at the level of both the clearing member and the CCP, from the positions and assets of both the clearing member and the other clients of that clearing member and, as a result of that distinction and segregation, those positions and assets are bankruptcy remote under national law in the event of the default or insolvency of the clearing member or one or more of its other clients,
- laws, regulations, rules and contractual arrangements applicable to or binding the clearing member facilitate the transfer of the client’s positions relating to those contracts and of the corresponding collateral to another clearing member within the applicable margin period of risk in the event of default or insolvency of the original clearing member,