Regulation 9 Amendment of Act of 2007
The Act of 2007 is amended -
(a) in section 90(1) -
(i) in paragraph (h), (inserted by the European Union (Unjustified Geo-blocking of Consumers) Regulations 2018 (S. I. No. 513 of 2018) by the substitution of "…2018);" for "… 2018).", and
(ii) by the insertion of the following paragraph after paragraph (h):
"(i) any contravention of the European Union (Cooperation between National Authorities Responsible for the Enforcement of Consumer Protection Laws) Regulations 2020 (S.I. No. 14 of 2020).", and
(i) in column (1), by the deletion of "S.I. No. 290 of 2006", and
(ii) in column (2), by the deletion of "European Communities (Cooperation between National Authorities Responsible for the Enforcement of Consumer Protection Laws) Regulations 2006",
(c) in Schedule 4, by the insertion -
(i) in Column (1), of "S.I. No. 14 of 2020", and
(ii) in Column (2), of "European Union (Cooperation between National Authorities Responsible for the Enforcement of Consumer Protection Laws) Regulations 2020", and
(d) in Schedule 5, by the insertion -