Quantitative disclosures (paragraphs 34-42 and B7-B28) (paras. BC47-BC48)
Information based on how the entity manages risk (paragraphs 34 and B7)
BC47 The Board concluded that disclosures about an entity's exposure to risks arising from financial instruments should be required, and should be based on how the entity views and manages its risks, ie using the information provided to key management personnel (for example, its board of directors or chief executive officer). This approach:
(a) provides a useful insight into how the entity views and manages risk;
(b) results in information that has more predictive value than information based on assumptions and methods that management does not use, for instance, in considering the entity's ability to react to adverse situations;
(c) is more effective in adapting to changes in risk measurement and management techniques and developments in the external environment;
(d) has practical advantages for preparers of financial statements, because it allows them to use the data they use in managing risk; and
(e) is consistent with the approach used in IAS 14 Segment Reporting. [In 2006 IAS 14 was replaced by IFRS 8 Operating Segments.]
BC47A In Improvements to IFRSs issued in May 2010, the Board removed the reference to materiality from paragraph 34(b) of IFRS 7. The Board noted that the reference could imply that disclosures in IFRS 7 are required even if those disclosures are not material, which was not the Board's intention.