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Version date: 25 May 2023 - onwards
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Liquidity risk (paragraphs 34(a), 39, B10A and B11A-B11F) (paras. BC57-BC58E)

BC57 The Board decided to require disclosure of a maturity analysis for financial liabilities showing the remaining earliest contractual maturities (paragraph 39(a) and paragraphs B11-B16 of Appendix B). [Amendments to IFRS 7 issued in March 2009 amended paragraph 39 and paragraphs B11-B16. The paragraph references in paragraph BC57 have not been amended as a result of these amendments.] Liquidity risk, ie the risk that the entity will encounter difficulty in meeting commitments associated with financial liabilities, arises because of the possibility (which may often be remote) that the entity could be required to pay its liabilities earlier than expected. The Board decided to require disclosure based on the earliest contractual maturity date because this disclosure shows a worst case scenario.

BC58 Some respondents expressed concerns that such a contractual maturity analysis does not reveal the expected maturity of liabilities, which, for some entities - eg banks with many demand deposits - may be very different. They suggested that a contractual maturity analysis alone does not provide information about the conditions expected in normal circumstances or how the entity manages deviations from expected maturity. Therefore, the Board decided to require a description of how the entity manages the liquidity risk portrayed by the contractual maturity analysis.

BC58A In March 2009 the Board amended the disclosure requirements on the nature and extent of liquidity risk by: