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Version date: 26 February 2020 - onwards

Credit risk (paragraphs 36-38, B9 and B10) (paras. BC48A-BC54A)

paragraphs 36-38, B9 and B10

Disclosure objectives

BC48A In developing the impairment disclosure requirements in this IFRS, the Board sought to supplement the existing disclosures to meet the additional information needs of users of financial statements that will arise specifically from an impairment model based on expected credit losses. When relevant, the Board has considered the comments received on the disclosure requirements proposed in the original Exposure Draft Financial Instruments: Amortised Cost and Impairment (the '2009 Impairment Exposure Draft') and the Board-only appendix to the Supplementary Document Financial Instruments: Impairment.

BC48B During the development of the expected credit loss requirements, the Board acknowledged that any approach that attempts to reflect expected credit losses will be subject to measurement uncertainty and will place greater emphasis on management's judgement and the quality of the information used.

BC48C However, the Board believes that this level of judgement is necessary given the differences in how entities approach credit risk management. The Board considered that information is useful and relevant when it enables users of financial statements to predict the likely amounts, timing and uncertainty of future cash flows. Accordingly, the Board identified three objectives for the disclosure requirements and this IFRS requires both qualitative and quantitative disclosures to assist users of financial statements to understand and identify: