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Version date: 30 June 2020 - onwards

4.13 KID format and use of data extraction tools

Stakeholders representing PRIIP manufacturers or distributors were generally sceptical about the benefit of specifying a certain KID format that would allow for information to be readily extracted using an IT tool, compared to the potentially high implement cost. It was also noted that there is not a single accepted format that could be drawn upon. At the same time, several respondents, including consumer associations, saw benefit in such an initiative.

The ESAs continue to see benefit in exploring how such tools could be promoted. In this respect, the ESAs have already started to assess the difficulties of any macro treatment of the information included in KIDs in relation to:

- the absence of a single electronic repository of KIDs;

- the format in which KIDs are published electronically; and

- in some cases, the mere difficulties to access KIDs electronically.

Taking into account the concerns expressed, the ESAs will consider further the feasibility of different approaches before pro

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