10.1 Amendments to Guidelines on transfer of data between Trade Repositories under EMIR
Guideline 26. In the case of withdrawal of registration at the request of a TR, it should notify ESMA in advance of the intended date of cessation of operations and should then immediately notify the TR participants and the relevant NCAs. For TRs with more than 500 TR participants the advance notice should be at least nine months, while for TRs with less than 500 TR participants, the advance notice should be at least six months.
Guideline 26. In the case of withdrawal of registration at the request of a TR, it should notify ESMA in advance of the intended date of cessation of operations and should then immediately notify the TR participants and the relevant NCAs. For TRs with more than 500 TR participants the advance notice should be at least nine months, while for TRs with 500 or with less than 500 TR participants, the advance notice should be at least six months.
Guideline 15. In case all the data in the scope of the migration plan cannot be transferred in a single instance, the TRs should transfer the data in accordance with the following order:
i. The latest state of the outstanding derivatives received, i.e. the "trade state";
ii. The reports related to lifecycle events applicable to the outstanding derivatives;
iii. All terminated, compressed and matured derivatives that are still subject to the requirement under Article 80(3) of EMIR, together with the relevant lifecycle events;
iv. All errored derivatives that are still subject to the requirement under Article 80(3) of EMIR together with the relevant lifecycle events;