11 List of questions
Q1. Do you agree with the analysis in paragraphs 9 to and the need to include the amendments in the Guidelines? Please detail the reasons for your response.
Q2. What other issues related to transfer of data have been observed? Please elaborate on the reasons for your response.
Q3. Do you agree with the inclusion of the on Reconciliation and Rejections data in the waterfall described in Guideline 15? Which other aspects need to be considered? Please elaborate on the reasons for your response.
Q4. Do you agree with the transfer of data generated and recorded by the old TR on Rejections and Reconciliation to the new TR in case of withdrawal of registration? Which other aspects need to be considered? Please elaborate on the reasons for your response.
Q5. Do you agree that the new TR may charge fees to the TR participants for the transfer of outstanding and non-outstanding derivatives? Which other aspects need to be considered? Please elaborate on the reasons for your response.
Q6. Do you agree with the upgrade of outstanding derivatives that are subject to transfer to the most up to date reporting requirement latest by 23:59:59 on the Thursday ahead of the weekend on which the porting takes place? Which other aspects need to be considered? Please elaborate on the reasons for your response.