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Version status: Amended
Version date: 7 December 2022 - onwards
  Version 2 of 2    

4. Amendment of section 6 of Principal Act

This format of the bill is taken from the text of stage 5 published on 29 March 2023 by Dáil Éireann

Section 6 of the Principal Act is amended -

(a) by the insertion of the following subsection after subsection (3):

"(3A) For the purposes of this section, where an employee ceases to be the employee of an employer and, not more than 26 weeks after the date of cesser, the employee again becomes the employee of the employer, the period of service of that employee with that employer before the date of cesser shall be deemed to be continuous with the period of service of that employee with that employer after again becoming such employee.",


(b) in subsection (9) by the deletion of the following definitions:

(i) "adopting parent";

(ii) "adoptive parent";

(iii) "continuous employment";

(iv) "relevant parent".

Comparing proposed amendment...