Article 99 Enforcement
1. In order to effectively ensure correct and efficient implementation, Member States shall make sure that at least the tasks set out in this Article are performed by one or more authorities, bodies or structures. They shall indicate to the Commission all authorities or structures competent for those tasks.
2. Member States shall ensure that the application of public procurement rules is monitored.
Where monitoring authorities or structures identify by their own initiative or upon the receipt of information specific violations or systemic problems, they shall be empowered to indicate those problems to national auditing authorities, courts or tribunals or other appropriate authorities or structures, such as the ombudsman, national parliaments or committees thereof.
3. The results of the monitoring activities pursuant to paragraph 2 shall be made available to the public through appropriate means of information. Those results shall also be made available to the Commission. For instance, they may be integrated in the monitoring reports referred to in the second subparagraph of this paragraph.
By 18 April 2017 and every three years thereafter Member States shall submit to the Commission, a monitoring report covering, where applicable, information on the most frequent sources of wrong application or of legal uncertainty, including possible structural or recurring problems in the application of the rules, on the level of SME participation in public procurement and about prevention, detection and adequate reporting of cases of procurement fraud, corruption, conflict of interest and other serious irregularities.