Annex XII Information to be Included in the Contract Award Notice
(as referred to in Article 70)
I. Information for publication in the Official Journal of the European Union [Information in headings 6, 9 and 11 is deemed information not intended for publication where the awarding entity considers that publication thereof might be detrimental to a sensitive commercial interest.]
1. Name, identification number (where provided for in national legislation), address including NUTS code, telephone, fax number, e-mail and internet address of the contracting entity and, where different, of the service from which additional information may be obtained.
2. Main activity exercised.
3. Nature of the contract (supplies, works or services and CPV codes; where appropriate state if it is a framework agreement).
4. At least a summary indication of the nature and quantity of the products, works or services provided.
(a) Form of the call for competition (notice on the existence of a system of qualification; periodic notice; call for tenders);
(b) Date(s) and reference(s) of publication of the notice in the Official Journal of the European Union;
(c) In the case of contracts awarded without a prior call for competition, indication of the relevant provision of Article 50.
6. Procurement procedure (open, restricted or negotiated).