Table of Contents
CP153 - Enhanced governance, performance and accountability in financial services - Regulation and Guidance under the Central Bank (Individual Accountability Framework) Act 2023Executive SummaryChapter 1: IntroductionBackground and objectivesCentral Bank ApproachChapter 2: Cost Benefit ConsiderationsLegal BasisChapter 3: The FrameworkOverview of key aspectsSenior Executive Accountability Regime (SEAR)Conduct StandardsEnforcementInteraction with the Fitness and Probity (F&P) RegimeChapter 4: ImplementationQuestionsAnnex 1 Draft RegulationsDraft Senior Executive Accountability Regime (SEAR) RegulationsIntroductory TextRegulation 1 Citation and CommencementRegulation 2 ScopeRegulation 3 DefinitionsRegulation 4 Inherent ResponsibilitiesRegulation 5 Prescribed Responsibilities to be allocated by the firmRegulation 6 Identification of Areas of Responsibility and Management Responsibilities Maps.Regulation 7 Other Responsibilities to be identified by the firm, and allocated to PCF holder in the firm.Regulation 8 AllocationRegulation 9 Statement of ResponsibilitiesRegulation 10 Submission of information to the BankRegulation 11 RecordsSchedule 1Schedule 2Schedule 2, Part 1Schedule 2, Part 2 Prescribed Responsibilities in the application of proportionality to low impact in-scope MiFID Investment FirmsSchedule 2, Part 3 Incoming third country branchesGiven underDraft Certification RegulationsIntroductory TextCitation (regs. 1-2)Regulation 1Regulation 2Regulation 3 ScopeInterpretation (regs. 4-5)Regulation 4Regulation 5Regulation 6 Circumstances triggering a requirement to certify that a person is compliant with standards of fitness and probity, and the period of validity of such certificationRegulation 7 Procedures, systems and controls to be adopted and checks to be performed by regulated financial service providers and holding companiesRegulation 8 Record keepingRegulation 9 Disciplinary ActionReporting of information by regulated financial service providers or holding companies to the Bank in relation to their obligations (regs. 10-11)Regulation 10Regulation 11Given underDraft Holding Companies RegulationsIntroductory TextRegulation 1Regulation 2Regulation 3Regulation 4Regulation 5Regulation 6Regulation 7Regulation 8Regulation 9 Regulation 10Regulation 11Regulation 12Schedule 1 Controlled Functions in respect of Holding CompanySchedule 2 Pre-Approval Controlled Functions in respect of holding companiesGiven underAnnex 2 Draft Guidance on the Individual Accountability FrameworkGlossary of TermsPart A (paras. 1.1-1.15)Chapter 1 The Individual Accountability Framework (paras. 1.1-1.15)1. The Individual Accountability Framework (paras. 1.1-1.15)The Central Bank (Individual Accountability Framework) Act 2023 (paras. 1.1-1.4)The Central Bank Regulations (paras. 1.5-1.10)IAF Guidance (paras. 1.11-1.15)Part B (paras. 2.1.1.-2.9.16.)Chapter 2 Guidance on the Senior Executive Accountability Regime (paras. 2.1.1.-2.9.16.)2. The Senior Executive Accountability Regime (paras. 2.1.1.-2.9.16.)2.1 Introduction (paras. 2.1.1.-2.1.5.)2.2 Scope (paras. 2.2.1.-2.2.3.)2.3 Sharing/Splitting of Roles (paras. 2.3.1.-2.3.3.)2.4 Responsibilities under the SEAR (paras. 2.4.1.-2.4.20.)Inherent Responsibilities (paras. 2.4.1.-2.4.2.)Prescribed Responsibilities (paras. 2.4.3.-2.4.10.)Responsibilities in respect of NEDs and INEDs (paras. 2.4.11.-2.4.16.)Other Responsibilities (paras. 2.4.17.-2.4.20)2.5 Statements of Responsibilities (paras. 2.5.1.-2.5.13.)Submission of Statements of Responsibilities to the Central Bank (paras. 2.5.3.-2.5.8.)Information to be included within a Statement of Responsibilities (paras. 2.5.9.-2.5.11.)Updates to and retention of the Statement of Responsibilities (paras. 2.5.12.-2.5.13)2.6 Management Responsibilities Map (paras. 2.6.1.-2.6.17)Submission of the Management Responsibilities Map to the Central Bank (paras. 2.6.4.-2.6.7.)Preparation of the Management Responsibilities Map (paras. 2.6.8.-2.6.17)2.7 The interaction between the Statements of Responsibilities and the Management Responsibilities Map (paras. 2.7.1.-2.7.6.)2.8 Duty of Responsibility (paras. 2.8.1.-2.8.14.)Introduction (paras. 2.8.1.-2.8.4.)Compliance with the Duty (paras. 2.8.5.-2.8.7.)Contravention of the Duty (paras. 2.8.8.-2.8.10.)Reasonable Steps (para. 2.8.11.)Enforcement - Administrative Sanctions (paras. 2.8.12.-2.8.14.)2.9 Interaction between the Fitness and Probity Regime and SEAR (paras. 2.9.1.-2.9.16.)Collective Decision Making (para. 2.9.1.)Fitness and Probity Regime (paras. 2.9.2.-2.9.6.)PCF Approval Process (paras. 2.9.7.-2.9.12.)F&P Outsourcing Exemption (paras. 2.9.13.-2.9.16.)Part CChapter 3 Reasonable Steps (paras. 3.1.-3.17.)3. Reasonable Steps (paras. 3.1.-3.8.)Considerations in determining whether reasonable steps were taken (paras. 3.9.-3.17.)Guidance on the Conduct StandardsChapter 4 Overarching Guidance on the Conduct Standards (paras. 4.1.-4.42.)4. Overarching Guidance on the Conduct Standards (paras. 4.1.-4.42.)Interaction with the Fitness and Probity Regime (paras. 4.8.-4.21.)Guidance in relation to obligations on the firm in respect of Conduct Standards (paras. 4.22.-4.34.)Reporting of disciplinary actions to the Central Bank (paras. 4.35.-4.42.)Chapter 5 Common Conduct Standards (paras. 5.1.1.-5.6.6.)5. Common Conduct Standards (paras. 5.1.1.-5.6.6.)5.1 Introduction (paras. 5.1.1.-5.1.4.)5.2 Acting with Honesty and Integrity (paras. 5.2.1.-5.2.6.)5.3 Acting with Due Skill, Care and Diligence (paras. 5.3.1.-5.3.12.)5.4 Cooperating in Good Faith and Without Delay (paras. 5.4.1.-5.4.5.)5.5 Acting in the Best Interests of Customers and Treating Them Fairly and Professionally (paras. 5.5.1.-5.5.6.)5.6 Operating in Compliance with Standards of Market Conduct and Trading Venue Rules (paras. 5.6.1.-5.6.6.)Chapter 6 Additional Conduct Standards (paras. 6.1.1.-6.5.4.)6. Additional Conduct Standards (paras. 6.1.1.-6.5.4.)6.1 Introduction (paras. 6.1.1.-6.1.3.)6.2 Additional Conduct Standard (a) (paras. 6.2.1.-6.2.7.)6.3 Additional Conduct Standard (b) (paras. 6.3.1.-6.3.5.)6.4 Additional Conduct Standard (c) (paras. 6.4.1.-6.4.4.)6.5 Additional Conduct Standard (d) (paras. 6.5.1.-6.5.4.)Part DChapter 7 Fitness & Probity Regime: Certification and Holding Companies (paras. 7.1.1.-7.3.2.)7. F&P Regime: Certification and Holding Companies (paras. 7.1.1.-7.3.2.)7.1 Introduction (para. 7.1.1.)7.2 Certification (paras. 7.2.1.-7.2.32.)Background - Existing obligations under the F&P Regime (paras. 7.2.1.-7.2.3.)The certification requirement(s) (paras. 7.2.4.-7.2.7.)Identification of CFs to which the certification requirement(s) will apply (paras. 7.2.8.-7.2.12.)Forming the view that the individual meets the standards (paras. 7.2.13.-7.2.15.)Frequency/conduct of the certification process (paras. 7.2.16.-7.2.17.)Submission of data in relation to certification to the Central Bank (paras. 7.2.18.-7.2.19.)Retention of data in relation to certification (paras. 7.2.20.-7.2.23.)Responsibility for and compliance with the certification process (paras. 7.2.24.-7.2.27)Material changes or concerns regarding fitness and/or probity (paras. 7.2.28.-7.2.30.)Breach of Section 21 of the 2010 Act (paras. 7.2.31.-7.2.32.)7.3 Holding Companies (paras. 7.3.1.-7.3.2.)AppendicesAppendix 1Appendix 2Appendix 3Appendix 4Appendix 5
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Part B (paras. 2.1.1.-2.9.16.)
13 June 2023