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Version date: 13 March 2023 - onwards

Other Responsibilities (paras. 2.4.17.-2.4.20)

13 June 2023

2.4.17. Firms must also consider 'Other Responsibilities', which capture any other material functions/business areas/projects to the extent that they are not captured by the Inherent and Prescribed Responsibilities. Such responsibilities cannot, however, modify or qualify any Prescribed Responsibilities. Other Responsibilities are included as a separate category on the Statement of Responsibilities.

2.4.18. The purpose of 'Other Responsibilities' is to (i) ensure that there is clarity surrounding the allocation of responsibilities in relation to any material functions/business areas/projects (ii) to ensure that same are captured under the relevant Statements of Responsibilities to be put in place by firms in scope of SEAR; and (iii) to ensure that the key risks at a firm are identified and appropriately allocated to a PCF role holders.

2.4.19. It is the responsibility of the firm to determine what 'Other Responsibilities' are to be identified and allocated. However, consideration should be given to the importance of the relevant item. Any functions/business areas/projects that are not captured by the Inherent and Prescribed Responsibilities but are included on the Management Responsibilities Map should be allocated to an individual in a PCF role at an in-scope firm as an 'Other Responsibility'. The Central Bank acknowledges that 'Other Responsibilities' will not be applicable to all firms.

2.4.20. Statements of Responsibilities should indicate where an individual has: