5.4 Cooperating in Good Faith and Without Delay (paras. 5.4.1.-5.4.5.)
5.4.1. Section 53E(1) of the 2010 Act as amended by the IAF Act states:
(c) that the person cooperates in good faith and without delay with the Bank and with authorities that perform functions in a jurisdiction other than the State that are comparable to one or more of the functions performed by the Bank under financial services legislation, including -
(i) responding to requests and requirements under financial services legislation in an open and timely manner,
(ii) disclosing information or records when required to do so under financial services legislation,
(iii) attending meetings and interviews when required to do so under financial services legislation,
(iv) not providing false, inaccurate or misleading information, records or explanations,
(v) not destroying, hiding or putting beyond reach information or records that it is reasonable for the person to expect to be required to be disclosed under financial services legislation, and
(vi) not engaging in evasive, misleading or obstructive conduct.