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Version date: 13 March 2023 - onwards
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Glossary of Terms

13 June 2023

Allocated Responsibilities: Responsibilities which have been allocated by a firm to a PCF role holder for the purposes of Section 53B(1)(b) of the 2010 Act as amended by the IAF Act. Allocated Responsibilities refer to and are comprised of both responsibilities prescribed by the Central Bank in regulations or any other responsibility identified by the firm and allocated to a PCF role holder in addition to that PCF role holder's inherent and prescribed responsibilities. Allocated Responsibilities are referred to as 'Prescribed and Other Responsibilities' throughout this IAF Guidance

Area of the business for which the individual was/is responsible: for the purpose of this IAF Guidance the term 'area of the business for which the individual was/is responsible' is used in place of the legislative text 'functions of the person in relation to the regulated financial service provider'

ASP: The Central Bank's Administrative Sanctions Procedure under Part IIIC of the Central Bank Act 1942 (as a

Comparing proposed amendment...