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Version status: Applicable, Entered into force | Document consolidation status: No known changes
Version date: 26 June 2024 - onwards
  Version 2 of 2    

Article 58 Delegation of tasks and decisions, and internal committees of the General Board

1. The General Board, on its own initiative or at the request of the Chair of the Authority, may establish internal committees for specific tasks attributed to it. The General Board may provide for the delegation of certain clearly defined tasks and decisions to internal committees, to the Executive Board or to the Chair of the Authority. The General Board may revoke such delegation at any time.

2. Internal committees shall report to the General Board, for decision, all conclusions reached by them.

3. The Executive Board members may participate in the meetings of internal committees in accordance with Article 57 (5).

4. The General Board in FIU composition shall establish a standing committee composed of nine of its members or representatives with adequate expertise from their respective national FIU, to support it in performing its tasks pursuant to Article 60(3), including by submitting proposals and preparing draft decisions.

The standing committee shall have no decision-making powe

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