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Published date: 17 July 2024

Final Report - Draft Regulatory Technical Standards on the content of the notification and reports for major incidents and significant cyber threats and determining the time limits for reporting major incidents and Draft Implementing Technical Standards on the standard forms, templates and procedures for financial entities to report a major incident and to notify a significant cyber threat (JC 2024 33)

Comparison of Draft Technical Standards: Consultation Paper vs Final Report

The ESAs second set of technical standards under the DORA aimed at enhancing the digital operational resilience of the EU financial sector by strengthening financial entities’ ICT and third-party risk management and incident reporting frameworks.

RTS on the content, format, templates and timelines for reporting major ICT-related incidents and significant cyber threats Consultation Final Report Comparison
ITS on the content, format, templates and timelines for reporting major ICT-related incidents and significant cyber threats Consultation Final Report Comparison
RTS on the harmonization of conditions enabling the conduct of the oversight activities Consultation Final Report Comparison
RTS specifying the criteria for determining the composition of the joint examination team (JET) Consultation Final Report Comparison
RTS on threat-led penetration testing (TLPT) Consultation Final Report Comparison
Guidelines on the estimation of aggregated costs/losses caused by major ICT-related incidents Consultation Final Report Comparison
Guidelines on oversight cooperation Consultation Final Report Comparison
Comparing proposed amendment...
1. Executive Summary
2. List of abbreviations
3. Background and rationale (paras. 1-44)
3.1 Background (paras. 1-7)
3.2 Rationale (paras. 8-44)
4. Draft regulatory technical standards
Article 1 General provisions
Article 2 General information to be provided in the major incident initial notification, intermediate and final reports
Article 3 Content of initial notifications
Article 4 Content of intermediate reports
Article 5 Content of final reports
Article 6 Time limits for the initial notification and intermediate report and final reports referred to in Article 19(4) of Regulation (EU) 2022/2554
Article 7 Content of the voluntary notification of significant cyber threat
Article 8 Entry into force
Done at
5. Draft implementing technical standards
Article 1 Standard form for reporting of ICT-related major incidents
Article 2 Submission of initial notification, intermediate and final reports together
Article 3 Recurring incidents
Article 4 Use of secure channels in case of deviation from established channels or time limits
Article 5 Reclassification of major incidents
Article 6 Notification of outsourcing of the reporting obligation
Article 7 Aggregated reporting
Article 8 Standard form for voluntary reporting of notification of significant cyber threats
Article 9 Entry into force and application
Annex I Templates for the reporting of major incidents
Annex II Data glossary and instructions for the reporting of major incidents
Annex III Templates for notification of significant cyber threats
Annex IV Data glossary and instructions for notification of significant cyber threats
Done at
6. Accompanying documents
6.1. Draft cost-benefit analysis / impact assessment
6.2. Feedback on the public consultation and on the opinion of the ESAs stakeholder groups