55. Amendment of Third Schedule to Principal Act.
The Third Schedule to the Principal Act is amended -
(a) by the substitution for "the commencement of Part IV", in each place where those words occur, of "1 January 1991";
(b) by the insertion in paragraph 3(a) (i) after "preserved benefits" of "to which the member is entitled under section 28(2) (a)";
(c) by the insertion in paragraph 3(b) (i) after "preserved benefits" of "to which the member would be entitled under section 28(2) (a)";
(d) by the substitution in paragraph 4(b) (i) (II) for "the 1st day of" of "1"; and
(e) by the insertion of the following paragraph after paragraph 4:
"5. The benefits for the purposes of this paragraph shall be calculated as at the effective date of the certificate and shall be, to the extent that they have not already been specified in any of the preceding paragraphs -
(a) in the case of a member of that scheme whose service in relevant employment terminated after 1 June 2002 but prior to the effective date of the certificate and in respect of whom a transfer payment has not been applied in accordance with section 34 or 35, the greater of -