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Article 24 Language regime between the ECB and legal or natural persons, including supervised entities
1. Any document which a supervised entity or any other legal or natural person individually subject to ECB supervisory procedures sends to the ECB may be drafted in any one of the official languages of the Union, chosen by the supervised entity or person.
2. The ECB, supervised entities and any other legal or natural person individually subject to ECB supervisory procedures may agree to exclusively use one Union official language in their written communication, including with regard to ECB supervisory decisions.
The revocation of such agreement on the use of one language shall only affect the aspects of the ECB supervisory procedure which have not yet been carried out.
Where participants in an oral hearing request to be heard in a Union official language other than the language of the ECB supervisory procedure, sufficient advance notice of this requirement shall be given to the ECB so that it can make the necessary arrangements.