Date-stamp loading

Part 5 Transfer of assets and liabilities (ss. 20-53)

Comparing proposed amendment...
In force
20. Interpretation (Part 5).
In force
21. Preconditions for making a proposed transfer order.
In force
22. Bank's power to impose requirements.
In force
23. Bank may disclose information to potential transferee.
In force
24. Directors' duties where Bank imposes requirements on authorised credit institutions.
In force
25. Bank not to be director, etc.
In force
26. Proposed transfer order - written notice.
In force
27. Transferor not to dispose of assets, liabilities.
In force
28. Transfers to be at market value.
In force
29. Proposed transfer order - contents.
In force
30. Hearing of application for transfer orders - procedure.
In force
31. Publication of transfer orders.
In force
32. Application to vary transfer order.
In force
33. Application to vary transfer order where transferee is bridge-bank.
In force
34. Application to set aside transfer order.
In force
35. Application by creditor for permission to apply for compensation.
In force
36. Appointment of Assessor.
In force
37. Expenses, etc., of Assessor and engagement of staff.
In force
38. Applications to Assessor.
In force
39. Submissions to Assessor.
In force
40. Determination of fair and reasonable compensation.
In force
41. Circulation of draft report for comment.
In force
42. Report by Assessor.
In force
43. Review of determination of compensation, etc.
In force
44. Limitation of judicial review of the Assessor's determination.
In force
45. Content of transfer order.
In force
46. Provision of financial incentive to transferee.
In force
47. Repayment of financial incentive.
In force
48. Procedure if transferor disputes consideration for assets and liabilities.
In force
49. Effect of transfer order - general.
In force
50. Effect of transfer order in relation to securities.
In force
51. Transfer of foreign assets and liabilities.
In force
52. Application of Bankers' Books Evidence Acts 1879 to 1989.
In force
53. Stamp duty.