Identifying an asset that may be impaired (paras. 7-17)
7 Paragraphs 8-17 specify when recoverable amount shall be determined. These requirements use the term ‘an asset’ but apply equally to an individual asset or a cash-generating unit. The remainder of this Standard is structured as follows:
(a) paragraphs 18-57 set out the requirements for measuring recoverable amount. These requirements also use the term ‘an asset’ but apply equally to an individual asset and a cash-generating unit.
(b) paragraphs 58-108 set out the requirements for recognising and measuring impairment losses. Recognition and measurement of impairment losses for individual assets other than goodwill are dealt with in paragraphs 58-64. Paragraphs 65-108 deal with the recognition and measurement of impairment losses for cash-generating units and goodwill.