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IAS 36: Impairment of Assets
Objective (para. 1)
Scope (paras. 2-5)
Definitions (para. 6)
Identifying an asset that may be impaired (paras. 7-17)
Measuring recoverable amount (paras. 18-57)
Recognising and measuring an impairment loss (paras. 58-64)
Cash-generating units and goodwill (paras. 65-108)
Reversing an impairment loss (paras. 109-125)
Disclosure (paras. 126-137)
Transition provisions and effective date (paras. 138-140N)
Withdrawal of IAS 36 (issued 1998) (para. 141)
Appendix A Using present value techniques to measure value in use
Appendix B Amendment to IAS 16
Appendix C Impairment testing cash-generating units with goodwill and non-controlling interests
Approval by the Board of IAS 36 issued in March 2004
Approval by the Board of Recoverable Amount Disclosures for Non-Financial Assets (Amendments to IAS 36) issued in May 2013
IAS 36: Basis for Conclusions
Introduction (paras. BC1-BC3)
Scope (paragraph 2) (paras. BCZ4-BCZ8)
Measuring recoverable amount (paragraphs 18-57) (paras BCZ9-BCZ30)
Recoverable amount based on the sum of undiscounted cash flows (paras. BCZ12-BCZ13)
Recoverable amount based on fair value (paras. BCZ14-BCZ20)
Recoverable amount based on value in use (paras. BCZ21-BCZ22)
Recoverable amount based on the higher of net selling price and value in use (paras. BCZ23-BCZ27)
Other refinements to the measurement of recoverable amount (paras. BCZ28-BCZ30)
Net selling price (paragraphs 25-29) (paras. BCZ31-BCZ39)
Net realisable value (paras. BCZ37-BCZ39)
Value in use (paragraphs 30-57 and Appendix A) (paras. BCZ40-BC80)
Expected value approach (paras. BCZ41-BCZ42)
Future cash flows from internally generated goodwill and synergy with other assets (paras. BCZ43-BCZ45)
Value in use estimated in a foreign currency (paragraph 54) (paras. BCZ46-BCZ51)
Discount rate (paragraphs 55-57 and A15-A21) (paras. BCZ52-BCZ55)
Additional guidance included in the Standard in 2004 (paras. BC56-BC80)
Income taxes (paras. BCZ81-BC94)
Consideration of future tax cash flows (paras. BCZ81-BCZ84)
Determining a pre‑tax discount rate (para. BCZ85)
Interaction with IAS 12 (paras. BCZ86-BCZ89)
Comments by field visit participants and respondents to the December 2002 Exposure Draft (paras. BC90-BC94)
Recognition of an impairment loss (paragraphs 58-64) (paras. BCZ95-BCZ112)
Recognition based on a ‘permanent’ criterion (paras. BCZ96-BCZ97)
Recognition based on a ‘probability’ criterion (paras. BCZ98-BCZ104)
Recognition based on an ‘economic’ criterion (paras. BCZ105-BCZ107)
Revalued assets: recognition in the income statement versus directly in equity (paras. BCZ108-BCZ112)
Cash‑generating units (paragraphs 66-73) (paras. BCZ113-BC118)
Internal transfer pricing (paragraph 70) (paras. BC116-BC118)
Testing indefinite‑lived intangibles for impairment (paras. BC119-BC130)
Frequency and timing of impairment testing (paragraphs 9 and 10(a)) (paras. BC121-BC128)
Measuring recoverable amount and accounting for impairment losses and reversals of impairment losses (paras. BC129-BC130)
Testing goodwill for impairment (paragraphs 80-99) (paras. BC131-BC177)
Allocating goodwill to cash‑generating units (paragraphs 80-87) (paras. BC137-BC159)
Recognition and measurement of impairment losses (paragraphs 88-99 and 104) (paras. BC160-BC170)
Changes as a result of 2008 revisions to IFRS 3 (Appendix C) (para. BC170A)
Timing of impairment tests (paragraphs 96-99) (paras. BC171-BC177)
Allocating an impairment loss between the assets of a cash‑generating unit (paragraphs 104-107) (paras. BCZ178-BCZ181)
Reversing impairment losses for assets other than goodwill (paragraphs 110-123) (paras. BCZ182-BCZ186)
Reversing goodwill impairment losses (paragraph 124) (paras. BC187-BC191)
Disclosures for cash‑generating units containing goodwill or indefinite‑lived intangibles (paragraphs 134 and 135) (paras. BC192-BC209)
Background to the proposals in the Exposure Draft (paras. BC192-BC204)
The Board’s redeliberations (paras. BC205-BC209)
Changes as a result of Improvements to IFRSs (2008) (para. BC209A)
Changes as a result of IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement (paras. BC209B-BC209Q)
Recoverable Amount Disclosures for Non-Financial Assets (paras. BC209E-BC209Q)
Transitional provisions (paragraphs 138-140) (paras. BC210-BC228C)
Transitional impairment test for goodwill (paras. BC216-BC222)
Transitional impairment test for indefinite‑lived intangibles (paras. BC223-BC226)
Early application (paragraph 140) (paras. BC227-BC228)
Transitional provision for Improvements to IFRSs (2009) (para. BC228A)
Transition provisions for Recoverable Amount Disclosures for Non-Financial Assets (paras. BC228B-BC228C)
Summary of main changes from the Exposure Draft (para. BC229)
History of the development of a standard on impairment of assets (paras. BCZ230-BCZ233)
Dissenting opinions
IAS 36: Illustrative Examples
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IAS 36: Impairment of Assets
IAS 36: Basis for Conclusions
Changes as a result of IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement (paras. BC209B-BC209Q)
Changes as a result of IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement (paras. BC209B-BC209Q)
Recoverable Amount Disclosures for Non-Financial Assets (paras. BC209E-BC209Q)
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