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Version date: 19 July 2018 - onwards

8 Proposed Implementation of Revised Guidelines

26 September 2018

129. This Consultation Paper is consulting on each proposal set out in Sections 3 - 7 of this document. When finalised, these sections will then repeal and replace sections V and VI of the 2015 Guidelines.

130. In terms of scope of application, there will be no change in approach between the 2015 Guidelines and the updated Guidelines. Consequently they will apply to all CRA’s registered in the EU but not CRAs certified in accordance with the CRA Regulation.

131. Following the period of consultation these guidelines will be published in the form of a single document that includes all relevant templates and reporting calendars. In addition, and with a view to improving their visibility and integration within CRA’s internal processes, ESMA will also publish the reporting calendars and excel versions of the templates set out in Section 7 and Annex II as standalone items that can be downloaded from ESMA’s CRA supervisory web-page.

132. To ensure a smooth implementation of the updated Guidelines the proposed date of applicability of these Guidelines will be for reporting periods starting 31 July 2019.

Q.31 Do you have any comments on the proposed process of implementation?