Article 60 Technical experts
1. The national accreditation body may include technical experts in the assessment team to provide detailed knowledge and expertise on a specific subject matter needed to support the lead assessor or assessor in carrying out assessment activities.
2. A technical expert shall have the competence required to support the lead assessor and assessor effectively on the subject matter for which knowledge and expertise of such expert is requested. In addition, the technical expert shall:
(a)have knowledge of Directive 2003/87/EC, Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/2066, Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/331 and Implementing Regulation 2019/1842 where the technical expert assesses the verifier's competence and performance for scope no 98 referred to in Annex I of this Regulation, this Regulation, relevant standards, and other relevant legislation as well as applicable guidelines;
(b) have a sufficient understanding of verification activities.