Article 33 Mechanism to avoid duplicative or conflicting rules
2. The Treasury may by regulations specify that the legal, supervisory and enforcement arrangements of the relevant third country:
(a) are equivalent to the requirements resulting from Articles 28 and 29;
(b) ensure protection of professional secrecy that is equivalent to that set out in this Regulation;
(c) are being effectively applied and enforced in an equitable and non-distortive manner so as to ensure effective supervision and enforcement in that third country.
3. Regulations on equivalence as referred to in paragraph 2 shall have the effect that counterparties entering into a transaction subject to this Regulation shall be deemed to have fulfilled the obligation contained in Articles 28 and 29 where at least one of the counterparties is established in that third country and the counterparties are in compliance with those legal, supervisory and enforcement arrangements of the relevant third country.
4. Where regulations made under paragraph 2 are revoked, transactions by counterparties shall automatically be subject again to all requirements contained in Articles 28 and 29 of this Regulation.