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Version date: 23 September 2022 - onwards
Version 2 of 2

Question 14 Is a third-country firm (or a third-country subsidiary of an EU firm) dealing on an EU trading venue in commodity derivatives or emission allowances or derivatives thereof in scope of the Ancillary Activity test as per CDR 2021/1833? [Last update: 23/09/2022]

CDR 2021/1833

Is a third-country firm (or a third-country subsidiary of an EU firm) dealing on an EU trading venue in commodity derivatives or emission allowances or derivatives thereof in scope of the Ancillary Activity test as per CDR 2021/1833?

Answer 14

No. A third-country firm (or a third-country subsidiary of an EU firm) dealing on an EU trading venue in commodity derivatives or emission allowances or derivatives thereof is not in scope of the ancillary activity test as per CDR 2021/1833. Consequently, such third-country firm (or third-country subsidiary of an EU firm) does not have to notify any EU competent authority or ESMA that it makes use of the ancillary activity exemption.