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Version status: Partly in force | Document consolidation status: Updated to reflect all known changes
Published date: 3 April 2010

Finance Act 2010 (No. 5)

Comparing proposed amendment...
Introductory Text
Acts Referred to
Part 1 Cost Benefit Analysis of Tax Expenditures (s. 1)
In force
1. Cost benefit analysis of tax expenditures.
Part 2 Income Levy, Income Tax, Corporation Tax and Capital Gains Tax (ss. 2-63)
Chapter 1 Interpretation (s. 2)
In force
2. Interpretation (Part 2).
Chapter 2 Income Levy (s. 3)
In force
3. Income levy.
Chapter 3 Income Tax (ss. 4-23)
In force
4. Amendment of section 122 (preferential loan arrangements) of Principal Act.
In force
5. Cesser of certain reliefs.
In force
6. Amendment of section 469 (relief for health expenses) of Principal Act.
In force
7. Amendment of section 244 (relief for interest paid on certain home loans) of Principal Act.
In force
8. Amendment of section 997A (credit in respect of tax deducted from emoluments of certain directors) of Principal Act.
In force
9. Amendment of section 71 (foreign securities and possessions) of Principal Act.
In force
10. Amendment of section 825B (repayment of tax where earnings not remitted) of Principal Act.
In force
11. Amendment of section 825A (reduction in income tax for certain income earned outside the State) of Principal Act.
In force
12. Amendment of section 477 (relief for service charges) of Principal Act.
In force
13. Amendment of section 216A (rent-a-room relief) of Principal Act.
In force
14. Amendment of section 667B (new arrangements for qualifying farmers) of Principal Act.
In force
15. Amendment of section 384 (relief under Case V for losses) of Principal Act.
In force
16. Retirement benefits.
In force
17. Amendment of section 128D (tax treatment of directors of companies and employees who acquire restricted shares) of Principal Act.
In force
18. Information in respect of awards of shares.
In force
19. Amendment of Schedule 11 (profit sharing schemes) to Principal Act.
In force
20. Amendment of section 470B (age-related relief for health insurance premiums) of Principal Act.
In force
21. Income tax: restriction on use of losses on approved buildings.
In force
22. Amendment of Schedule 13 (accountable persons for purposes of Chapter 1 of Part 18) to Principal Act.
In force
23. Limitation on amount of certain reliefs used by certain high income individuals.
Chapter 4 Income Tax, Corporation Tax and Capital Gains Tax (ss. 24-42)
In force
24. Provisions relating to charities and donations to approved bodies.
In force
25. Amendment of Part 22 (provisions relating to dealing in or developing land and disposals of development land) of Principal Act.
In force
26. Amendment of section 843A (capital allowances for buildings used for certain childcare purposes) of Principal Act.
Not yet in force
27. Mid-Shannon corridor tourism infrastructure investment scheme.
In force
28. Payment of tax by means of donation of heritage property.
In force
29. Payments to subcontractors in certain industries.
In force
30. Amendment of section 731 (chargeable gains accruing to unit trusts) of Principal Act.
In force
31. Amendment of Part 27 (unit trusts and offshore funds) of Principal Act.
In force
32. Amendment of section 1035A (relieving provision to section 1035) of Principal Act.
In force
33. Dividend withholding tax.
In force
34. Amendment of section 175 (purchase of own shares by quoted company) of Principal Act.
In force
35. Amendment of Part 3 (provisions relating to the Schedule C charge and government and other public securities) of Principal Act.
In force
36. Amendment of section 299 (allowances to lessees) of Principal Act.
In force
37. Amendment of Chapter 4 (interest payments by certain deposit takers) of Part 8 of Principal Act.
In force
38. Amendment of section 481 (relief for investment in films) of Principal Act.
In force
39. Specified financial transactions.
In force
40. Interest payments to residents in relevant territories.
In force
41. Credit for foreign tax.
In force
42. Transfer pricing.
Chapter 5 Corporation Tax (ss. 43-55)
In force
43. Intangible assets, etc.
In force
44. Acceleration of wear and tear allowances for certain energy-efficient equipment.
In force
45. Amendment of section 486C (relief from tax for certain start-up companies) of Principal Act.
In force
46. Unilateral relief (royalty income).
In force
47. Carry forward of unrelieved foreign tax.
In force
48. Amendment of section 847 (tax relief for certain branch profits) of Principal Act.
In force
49. Dividends paid out of foreign profits.
In force
50. Foreign dividends.
In force
51. Assets transferred in course of scheme of reconstruction or amalgamation.
In force
52. Amendment of section 80A (taxation of certain short-term leases of plant and machinery) of Principal Act.
In force
53. Amendment of section 402 (foreign currency: tax treatment of capital allowances and trading losses of a company) of Principal Act.
In force
54. Amendment of section 766 (tax credit for research and development expenditure) of Principal Act.
In force
55. Tax treatment of certain royalties.
Chapter 6 Capital Gains Tax (ss. 56-63)
In force
56. Amendment of section 542 (time of disposal and acquisition) of Principal Act.
In force
57. Amendment of section 590 (attribution to participators of chargeable gains accruing to non-resident company) of Principal Act.
In force
58. Amendment of section 598 (disposals of business or farm on "retirement") of Principal Act.
In force
59. Restrictions on allowable losses.
In force
60. Amendment of section 607 (Government and certain other securities) of Principal Act.
In force
61. Amendment of section 611 (disposals to State, public bodies and charities) of Principal Act.
In force
62. Amendment of section 958 (date for payment of tax) of Principal Act.
In force
63. Amendment of Schedule 15 (list of bodies for purposes of section 610) to Principal Act.
Part 3 Customs and Excise (ss. 64-111)
Chapter 1 Mineral Oil Tax Carbon Charge (ss. 64-65)
In force
64. Mineral oil tax carbon charge.
In force
65. Cesser of application of mineral oil tax to coal.
Chapter 2 Natural Gas Carbon Tax (ss. 66-76)
In force
66. Definitions (Chapter 2).
In force
67. Charging and rates of natural gas carbon tax.
In force
68. Liability to pay natural gas carbon tax.
In force
69. Registration of natural gas suppliers.
In force
70. Returns and payment by natural gas suppliers.
In force
71. Reliefs from natural gas carbon tax.
In force
72. Repayments of natural gas carbon tax.
In force
73. Offence and penalty (Chapter 2).
In force
74. Regulations (Chapter 2).
In force
75. Care and management (Chapter 2).
In force
76. Commencement (Chapter 2).
Chapter 3 Solid Fuel Carbon Tax (ss. 77-87)
In force
77. Interpretation (Chapter 3).
In force
78. Charging and rates of solid fuel carbon tax.
In force
79. Liability to pay solid fuel carbon tax.
In force
80. Registration of solid fuel suppliers.
In force
81. Returns and payment by solid fuel suppliers.
In force
82. Reliefs from solid fuel carbon tax.
In force
82A. Relief for biomass content of solid fuel.
In force
83. Repayments of solid fuel carbon tax.
In force
84. Offence and penalty (Chapter 3).
In force
85. Regulations (Chapter 3).
In force
86. Care and management (Chapter 3).
In force
87. Commencement (Chapter 3).
Chapter 4 Miscellaneous (ss. 88-111)
In force
88. Rates of alcohol products tax.
In force
89. Amendment of section 98A (relief for biofuel) of Finance Act 1999.
In force
90. Amendment of Chapter 1 (mineral oil tax) of Part 2 of Finance Act 1999.
In force
91. Amendment of Chapter 3 (tobacco products tax) of Part 2 of Finance Act 2005.
In force
92. Amendment of Chapter 1 (alcohol products tax) of Part 2 of Finance Act 2003.
In force
93. Amendment of Part 2 (consolidation and modernisation of general excise law) of Finance Act 2001.
In force
94. Amendment of section 34 (amendments relative to penalties) of Finance Act 1963.
95. Section 186 (illegally importing) of Customs Consolidation Act 1876 and penalties for offences.
96. Amendment of section 3 (penalty for illegally exporting goods) of Customs Act 1956.
In force
97. Provision of information relating to persons, conveyances and goods.
In force
98. Amendment of section 102 (penalties for certain mineral oil tax offences) of Finance Act 1999.
In force
99. Amendment of section 119 (penalties for certain excise offences) of Finance Act 2001.
In force
100. Amendment of section 79 (penalties for certain alcohol products tax offences) of Finance Act 2003.
In force
101. Amendment of section 78 (penalties for certain tobacco products tax offences) of Finance Act 2005.
In force
102. Amendment of section 130 (interpretation) of Finance Act 1992.
In force
103. Amendment of section 130B (delegation of certain powers of the Revenue Commissioners) of Finance Act 1992.
In force
104. Amendment of section 131 (registration of vehicles by Revenue Commissioners) of Finance Act 1992.
In force
105. Amendment of section 132 (charge of excise duty) of Finance Act 1992.
In force
106. Amendment of section 135 (temporary exemption from registration) of Finance Act 1992.
In force
107. Repayment of amounts of vehicle registration tax in respect of the registration of certain new vehicles.
In force
108. Remission or repayment in respect of vehicle registration tax on certain plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, certain electric vehicles and certain electric motorcycles.
In force
109. Authorisation of competent persons.
In force
110. Amendment of section 141 (regulations) of Finance Act 1992.
In force
111. Return of motor insurance particulars.
Part 4 Value-Added Tax (ss. 112-133)
112. Interpretation (Part 4).
113. Amendment of section 1 (interpretation) of Principal Act.
114. Amendment of section 4B (supplies of immovable goods) of Principal Act.
115. Amendment of section 4C (transitional measures for supplies of immovable goods) of Principal Act.
116. Amendment of section 5 (supply of services) of Principal Act.
117. Amendment of section 8 (accountable persons) of Principal Act.
118. Amendment of section 10 (amount on which tax is chargeable) of Principal Act.
119. Amendment of section 10A (margin scheme goods) of Principal Act.
120. Amendment of section 10B (special scheme for auctioneers) of Principal Act.
121. Amendment of section 11 (rates of tax) of Principal Act.
122. Amendment of section 12B (special scheme for means of transport supplied by taxable dealers) of Principal Act.
123. Amendment of section 12C (special scheme for agricultural machinery) of Principal Act.
124. Amendment of section 13 (remission of tax on goods exported, etc.) of Principal Act.
125. Amendment of section 15 (charge of tax on imported goods) of Principal Act.
126. Amendment of section 16 (duty to keep records) of Principal Act.
127. Amendment of section 17 (invoices) of Principal Act.
128. Amendment of section 26 (penalties generally) of Principal Act.
129. Addition of Schedule 7 to Principal Act.
130. Substitution of First and Second Schedules to Principal Act.
131. Consequential amendment of Value-Added Tax Act 1972.
132. Pre-consolidation amendments and repeals (Part 4).
133. Supply of greenhouse gas emission allowances.
Part 5 Stamp Duties (ss. 134-141)
In force
134. Interpretation (Part 5).
In force
135. Information exchange with Property Registration Authority.
In force
136. Conveyance in consideration of debt.
In force
137. Certain investment certificates.
In force
138. Funds: reorganisation.
In force
139. Levy on certain life insurance premiums.
In force
140. Levy on authorised insurers.
In force
141. Amendment of Schedule 2B (qualifications for applying for relief from stamp duty in respect of transfers to young trained farmers) to Principal Act.
Part 6 Capital Acquisitions Tax (ss. 142-147)
In force
142. Interpretation (Part 6).
In force
143. Amendment of section 57 (overpayment of tax) of Principal Act.
In force
144. Exemption of certain investment entities.
In force
145. Amendment of section 82 (exemption of certain receipts) of Principal Act.
In force
146. Amendment of section 89 (provisions relating to agricultural property) of Principal Act.
In force
147. Modernisation of capital acquisitions tax administration.
Part 7 Miscellaneous (ss. 148-165)
In force
148. Interpretation (Part 7).
In force
149. Amendment of Part 33 (anti-avoidance) of Principal Act.
In force
150. Domicile levy.
In force
151. Cesser of section 825 (residence treatment of donors of gifts to the State) of Principal Act.
In force
152. Provision of information by Commission for Taxi Regulation.
In force
153. Revenue powers.
In force
154. Provision of information by National Asset Management Agency.
In force
155. Amendment of section 1078 (revenue offences) of Principal Act.
In force
156. Tax clearance certificates.
In force
157. Amendment of section 826 (agreements for relief from double taxation) of Principal Act.
In force
158. Amendment of Schedule 24A (arrangements made by the Government with the government of any territory outside the State in relation to affording relief from double taxation and exchanging information in relation to tax) to Principal Act.
In force
159. Miscellaneous technical amendments in relation to tax.
In force
160. Amendment of section 1 (definitions) of Provisional Collection of Taxes Act 1927.
In force
161. Gifts to the State by certain donors.
162. Capital Services Redemption Account.
163. Amendment of Bretton Woods Agreements Act 1957.
In force
164. Care and management of taxes and duties.
In force
165. Short title, construction and commencement.
In force
Schedule 1 Rates of Solid Fuel Carbon Tax
Schedule 2 Consequential Amendment of Value-Added Tax Act 1972
Schedule 3 Pre-consolidation amendments and repeals (Part 4)
In force
Schedule 4 Miscellaneous Technical Amendments in Relation to Tax