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Version status: Applicable | Document consolidation status: No known changes
Version date: 12 August 2022 - onwards
Version 3 of 3

Article 4 Resolution colleges

1. The resolution authority of the CCP shall establish, manage and chair a resolution college to carry out the tasks referred to in Articles 12, 15 and 16, and ensure cooperation and coordination with the authorities that are members of the resolution college and, where appropriate, cooperation with third-country competent authorities and resolution authorities.

Resolution colleges shall provide a framework for resolution authorities and other relevant authorities to perform the following tasks:

(a) exchange information relevant for drawing up resolution plans, including for taking into consideration the systemic impact of the implementation of the resolution plan, for the application of preparatory and preventative measures and for resolution;

(b) draw up resolution plans pursuant to Article 12;

(c) assess the resolvability of CCPs pursuant to Article 15;

(d) identify, address and remove impediments to the resolvability of CCPs pursuant to Article 16; and

(e) coordinate public communication about resolution plans and strategies.